Do you believe most married people are happy with the one they love?
/Do you believe most married people are happy with the one they love? This story stirred during my pruning season while preparing to move to a new place with my son and his family. While packing, some treasures I parted with but there were those I just couldn’t let go. Cards, letters, journals, and boxes for each of our children and grandchildren in my prayer room made the top ten ‘keepers list’. Feeling like Martha sitting at Jesus’ feet, I took time to ‘relax, read, and remember’! Words of love from the one you love, whether reading them for the first time or umpteenth time, sooths like a divine salve ! Reading precious letters and cards from Tim and James refueled happiness and willingness to share God’s love wherever He leads.
Setting a goal to pack four to five boxes each night, I sifted, sorted, and stacked boxes of treasures in ‘to go’ with me or ‘let go’ piles. Letting go of things near and dear to our hearts is never easy. Have you let go of things with relief or reluctance? Staying happy and productive while pruning and putting all things in proper perspective can open doors for blessings many miss by being stuck in the past. The peppy song, “Don’t Worry - Be Happy” plants a Biblical message in our minds to seek happiness in sweet and sour seasons. When we ‘let go’ of things that could torment or trap us in the past, God sees our hearts and helps us move forth.
Taking time to read old love letters and cards from Tim and James became the best moving gift I gave myself. Two hours passed with piles of cards and plenty of tears tapping on my heartstrings. One of the cards I meant to pack in a ‘to go’ box was stuck beneath my recliner. Holding it close, I read the words and wept while thinking, ‘Why did I wait? I could have given James his card but held onto it for the perfect time…not realizing we had very little time left together.” Are you holding onto letters or conversations that you will one day wish you had shared with the one you love? Don’t delay…take time to do it today!
Sitting in silence with tears wetting words written by my husbands, I wondered what the ones I love were doing in heaven. Trying to imagine heavenly happenings, while dealing with earthly happenings…satan attacked with shots of sadness aimed at the heart my Maker has been meticulously healing. Recognizing pity place was about to suck me in, I prayed for strength, stood tall, and spoke words that hit me like a bolt of lightning…”I am happy here knowing the ones I love are happy there; leave me alone Satan - I belong to Jesus and as for me and my house…we will serve Him and Be Happy!”
My tears dried up, I cleaned up, agape love filled me up, and happiness lifted me up! Praying and praising while putting my cards in their moving container, I felt He had lifted me higher than I’ve been lifted in a long time!
The Master’s touch made me sing happy songs as my mess I did clean… ‘if you’re happy and you know it say “Amen” - Oh, how happy you have made me , oh how happy you have made me be; shout happy praises for the ones I love He called Home and for being happy with the ones I love here over again and again; give help and hope to whomever He sends; plead with people to cherish close relationships before time ends; and pray for people in every corner of God’s creation to love and serve Him with passion, purpose, and plenty of HAPPINESS with Father, family, and friends!
Next week, I will share the message of love in the card I never sent…’10 Golden Rules for Staying Happy with the One You Love”! I challenge you to send a card, sing a song, or share a sweet surprise with the one(s) who colors your world with love before reading next week’s story. You never know when He will call you or them to glory! Be prepared for Heaven and Be Happy here!