Are you lonely? You are not alone? Part 2

Are you lost in loneliness or overwhelmed with social media and ‘to do lists’ that never seem to get done? Loneliness is a subjective feeling that you’re lacking in social connections. When we are not connected to The Vine (GOD) and to people, we can suffer from loneliness which can look like anger, frustration, irrability, depression, or anxiety. It doesn’t mean we are lonely when we are sitting in a corner booth at McDonalds - like I am now in the middle of New York City. The precious time spent in NYC with my son and his family has blessed me beyond measure. Writing a series of stories about loneliness, not being alone in feeling anxiety, stress, even depression, and learning to stop, be quiet, and connect with God has caused me to come closer to my Lord and loved ones. Praying over each story shared, I hope faithful readers have been blessed and become closer to your Father and family also! It’s been proven that mobility (moving around to different places) which mandates making new connections, technology, and social media can strengthen or weaken our connections. These things can reduce the amount of time we have for in-person connections and affect the quality of our in-person interactions because it distracts us. Take a test to see if we fall prey to poor connections with the Lord, loved ones, even strangers. Do you answer your phone every time it rings - even if you are conversing with a friend, in prayer with your family, or in a place where carrying on a conversation can annoy people around you? During family drives, meals, or time together at home (even at work, church, and places where mobile devices are distractive) are you, your mate, and chidren consumed with playing games and phone usage? How much time do you and family members spend in one day on phones and gaming systems, in prayer and conversation, in loneliness even when the whole family is together? With the surge of mobility, technology, and social media we can easily become Martha minded and miss golden opportunities to commune, like Mary chose to do. She recognized the importance of sitting down with Jesus and hearing His stories. Mary knew time together with loved ones is precious and can end in the twinkling of an eye. Hopefully, this story sends an alert to hearts of readers consumed by loneliess and social media to STOP - BE QUIET - and CONNECT with GOD! Make this simple act of faith a part of your daily routine and see what God can do. Your family and friends will notice. So will God, and in HIs perfect timing plus our persistence to keep Him first and connect with loved ones, loneliness will fade and loved ones will be eager to engage.

Bobby Vinton’s song about loneliness rings in my ears as my writing place has moved to the center of Manhatten where there is no quiet. Yet, settling in a small space away from crowds, He downloads and I’m delighted to deliver what He sends. This Mary time in the middle of a Martha place is a divine gift I’m thrilled to open and enjoy. Everything that surrounds my little perch is BIG and fast paced. Feeling alone in a huge sea of diverse people, I am not lonely. Reading God’s Word and resting in HIs sweet Spirit keeps me company, even silently singing lyrics and studying scripture about loneliness.

“Lonely, I’m Mister Lonely, I’ve go no one to call my own.” are the only lyrics I remember; yet, that one line portrays painful truth that loneliness is real and on the rise, ‘for such a time as this”! So, what can we do when loneliness looms and it can feel difficult to find the time to build social connections. We must be disciplined about dedicating some time - even five minutes a day - to calling or talking to someone we love. This kind of consistency heps remind is that we have people to connect with in our lives. We can also focus on increasing the quality of time we have together. Being focused and undistracted when sharing time with people is important. Putting away our phones and devices to listen means our connections matter. A small amount of high quality time together can have a powerful impact.

In closing, the most important things we can do to fight loneliness and being disconnected from our Lord and loved ones include: keeping God first and staying connected to Him daily, reading and studying HIs Word, and spending quality time together with the precious people He puts in our lives to love and cherish. May God’s Word speak to our minds and settle in our hearts as we trust, obey, love our neighbors, and live out loud in love by Jesus’ example. Let us work together as a unified Body of Christ until God calls us Home or His Son splits the eastern sky and takes us Home on high.

If you’re lonely or lost, depressed or disgusted, anxious or angry, pitiful or proud… may the scripture below be a source of strength that will lift you higher than you’ve ever been lifted before. Please be encouraged to help other people who are in lonely places and share His Word and ways with those you love and adore.

Before writing Bible heart stirs to share an interruption I am thankful I did not ignore! A group of mentally challenged young people and their teacher gathered in two booths beside me with loud noises, laughter, and long stares that make me uncomfortable. For almost an hour, I continued writing while hearing outbursts and watching their hadicaps hamper communication. Making no eye contact with the precious (but in my mind - pitiful) people who spoke only strange sounds seemed justified. After all, finishing this story before Clint would pick me up took priority, plus communicating with them seemed impossible. I prayed for them as I started to write a powerful word the Lord sent in HIs perfect timing from 1 Samuel 12:22. “For the sake of His great name the LORD will not reject his people because the LORD was pleased to make you His own.” Then, I wrote Psalm 25:16 “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Being convicted by own writing and the sweet smiles of mentally challenged children in adult bodies, I wrote “Cast all your anxiety on HIM because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7. With teary eyes and convicted heart, I stopped, was quiet, and connected with God. Before I could take action to communicate, the teacher began gathering her students to leave.

“What should I do, will I cause a stir if I begin talking with them, help me Lord” I thought! Within seconds, God answered when one of the youngsters approached me and stood quietly while I typed ‘...cast all your anxiety on HIM because He cares for you’. With fingers frozen on my keyboard, I looked in his shining eyes and saw an innocent child of God looking to connect with someone God put in HIs path. He asked in broken English, “What’s your name’? I answered and asked his name. His response was difficult to understand but the sweet spirit surrounding that precious grown up child of God trumped any handicap that kept him captive and made connecting hard. The eyes of our hearts understood what words could not convey. His smile and shining eyes will never be forgotten. God sent him to show me the importance of connecting, not only those whom we choose but with whoever He sends. The Lord’s gentle reminder - through a young man challenged and lacking communicating skills - taught me to practice what I write.
May your hearts be convicted too - for time to connect and communicate with the Lord, loved ones, even strangers He sends our way goes quickly and there’s much work He has called us to do. If all His children would embrace God’s greatest commandment and practice what we preach, the world would be a better place for you and me. While we wait and see, let’s put a little more love in our hearts and do unto others as we want them to do unto me and you! If you find yourself lonely, not connecting with people, and stuck in places where the enemy tries to pull you away from God’s Word and HIs Son’s ways...Stop, Be Quiet, and Connect with Christ. Then, loneliness will wane and living life out loud in love will be wonderful!