
Gentleness grows greater when, by God’s grace, we embrace His greatest commandment and live out loud in love by His Son’s example. Jesus’ gentle spirit drew people to Him, especially little children. Who among us emulates gentleness to all people? Is the Lord near when we encounter people He puts in our paths? Do gentle spirits shine in the way we act and react in a world where Satan seeks to destroy lives and stop every little light shining for Jesus?

Philippians 4:5 says, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”

People’s lights in the city and county we call ‘home sweet home’ are shining for Jesus as we stand strong for faith, family, and ‘fruit of the spirit’ living!

Surely, the presence of the Lord is near as we celebrate good living and great things happening for God throughout our city and county. The Lord was near as Pat Montgomery, the speaker at Rise Up - Refuel, invited all the little children present to come up to her potter’s wheel. Her gentleness oozed like anointing oil, as she allowed the children to help make a broken piece of pottery become beautiful again. Fifty plus children of all ages and color were drawn to Pat’s wondrous ways and wheel. I sat amongst the sea of children in awe of God as His spirit filled up Heritage Hall. Pat’s gentle spirit and great message of a Potter who made us and will never throw away the clay, even when we are broken and choose to fall away, kept us focused on the Potter and refueled with His love.

Do you need to be refueled with a gentle touch from the Potter to reshape your life and rekindle your love for the Lord? He will never fail you and is waiting to enter your heart; what is your answer to Him. The Lord is near! By His grace, let your gentleness be evident to all!