Goodness Shines!
/Goodness shines in Sampson where gifts of Faith and Family grow even stronger through a Pandemic that struck like lightning! James 1:17 reminds us, “every good and perfect gift is from above coming from the Father”!
In Romans 15:14 Paul says,“I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness…”! I am convinced the city and county we call home sweet home is full of goodness.
Cindy Byrd, owner of Dominos, is full of goodness. She and I have partnered as businesswomen and sisters in Christ since 1990. We met after opening our businesses
Dominoes and The Learning Station, right down the street from one another. Six months after start up, Cindy and I shared time together pondering a mission project. After much prayer, PIZZA PALS was put in place. When Sonshine Kids at The Learning Station read five books in one month, they were rewarded with a personal pan pizza. Ms. Cindy allowed the children to participate in the pizza making process which was a good gift in itself. Pizza Pals was wonderful for three years, then it waned due to time restraints as God was growing our businesses.
Cindy and I struggled to stay in touch as family and work responsibilities crowded our schedules.
In Autumn of 2016, my sister, - Mary Gaye, who overflows with goodness, came to Clinton to help with Tim’s Gift Golf Tournament. She visited local businesses and brought back good gifts to be auctioned. Then, my sister shared about meeting the owner of Dominos who wanted to meet with me about something God had put on her heart. Sadly, it was spring season when I finally made my way to Dominos to meet with CIndy. My busyness almost made Tiim’s Gift miss a big blessing God was putting in place. After our March 2017 meeting, The Possibility of Pizza and Prayer, a powerful mission program saluting people doing good things in our communities, became reality. God stirred Cindy’s heart to do something to give back to the community and my heart with details to make this home mission possible. With prayers said and plans in place,Jennifer Brewer designed Pizza and Prayer cards,1,000 were ordered in faith that God would grow the Possibility of Pizza and Prayer, and oh how He has! Tim’s Gift writes the cards and mails or delivers to people doing good things; Dominos provides a free large pizza. Recipients take cards to Dominos for pick up and Cindy keeps them in a safe place, often rereading messages that give her good gifts of joy and encouragement! We hope “The Possibility of Pizza and Prayer” continues in Sampson - Clinton - and beyond where goodness overflows.
During this Pandemic, God has opened the door for yet another community mission project. Dominos is sponsoring nationwide - FEED THE NEEDY - where pizzas are given in a spirit of gratitude. Cindy and her daughter, Ashley, are managing local outreach with the help of Tim’s Gift. Several local businesses, churches, and organizations have already received pizzas and prayer when deliveries were made.
This Saturday, people can drive- thru the parking lot beside Dominos ( yellow cones and volunteers will be stationed at the entrance to Jordan Shopping Center at First Citizens Bank, to direct traffic around the bank and beside Dominos where pizza will be handed to people inside their vehicles. Individual slices of pizza (in boxes) will be passed out from noon until 1 pm (or until they are gone) Saturday - April 25th. Pizza slices will only be given to people in vehicles in line from noon until 1pm - or until they are gone! Thank you Cindy and Dominos. May you be blessed as you so richly bless others.
Yes, by God’s grace we are blessed by every good and perfect gift that comes from our heavenly Father! His goodness overflows; may our appreciation and love for HiIM GROW!