Unexpected Blessings!

Earlier this year, Ms. Sheila stopped by Tim's Gift to find out if there was a toilet safety bar set available. Unexpectedly, she was in a position to help care for an elderly family member coming home from the hospital.

God showed up big time! We had just received a donation of the very same product that morning from a dear friend of Tim's Gift! Bless God!

The donation had come in with the kindest heart. The gentlemen said, "You have helped me so much. I don't have much to give but this. Can you use it?"

There were no toilet safety bars in the inventory, so the item was eagerly received and the giver was so genuine. It reminded us of the widow and the two coins she offered up in the Book of Mark.

"But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents." Mark 12:42

This man had shared what little he had. It was such a humbling, joyful testimony of his love and faith in Jesus Christ.

So, when Ms. Sheila stopped by with the specific request, it was truly a time to rejoice in our Lord. Out in the parking lot, we learned more about Ms. Sheila and her family situation. We prayed and afterward, she had tears and shared how much she really needed this time. God again blessed her with His love, encouragement, super natural strength, renewed faith and courage!

God uses any person, situation, event and activity to the glory of His Holy name. Let us rejoice in His timing, in His unexpected blessings, in His mercy, grace, forgiveness, peace and love!

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10