Dragonflies - A Wonder of God's Creation!
/There are many species of dragonflies. (more than 5000 per Smithsonian Magazine) God had a great time when he created this family of insects! He made them with such brilliant iridescent colors. They feed on other insects (one being the mosquito) and are fast, agile fliers.
The dragonfly is viewed as more than an insect. The following is an excerpt taken from the Dragonfly Ministries, a nonprofit organization out of Texas:
"The dragonfly is a symbol of growth and development. She is her strongest when she stays close to her source of strength, the sunlight. As she absorbs warmth from the sun, she reflects it through her wings for the world to see. We are much like the dragonfly, created to grow and develop into all God has purposed for us. We are our strongest and best when we stay close to our source of strength, the SON light. As we absorb His light, His Holy Spirit teaches, guides, and shines through us so others are drawn to Him. The dragonfly serves to remind us we too can reflect the light of Christ in a darkened world by letting His Son shine through us. Will you be a dragonfly for God?"
"For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ." 1 Corinthians 4:6 NIV