Do you believe the Lord is close to the brokenhearted? Reading Psalms 34, pondering evil happenings across our nation, and praying about heartbreaking situations here at home are reason for all God’s children to cry out to Him. Yet, many deny Him and have chosen to disconnect from the Vine! How heartbreaking! So, what can people in America - one nation under God… where God is being removed as cornerstone and from places where He was once revered! Like a domino effect from unbelievers who have influenced elected officials making laws, our schools, government buildings, athletic events, and other places have squeezed God out and left open doors for the devil to destroy the Christian principles upon which our country was founded. What must make God saddest of all is to see many of ‘ the people of the United States of America’ who have been blessed beyond measure with milk and honey flowing… forgetting Him and sinful seeds rampantly sowing! The One who created it all is our only hope in preventing a dreadful fall. Time is nigh for people living in America to vote for Christian leaders and stand up for Christian principles. Remembering our First Love who must be brokenhearted to see choices made by His children from sea to shining sea to put other gods before Him without honor, trust, obeying, and believing in Thee! What can we do? We can pray, read and honor His Word, and live by His Son’s ways! “We can cry out to God and clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Psalm 34 and Colossians 3 David writes… “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear the Lord and He delivers them. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to blot out their name from the earth. The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Suffering, brokenhearted children have heard from God through the ages. Through Isaiah, God told the Israelites, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Isaiah 66:5-13 Our heavenly Father promises to give His children peace and to carry them the way a mother totes a child on her side. This message was for the people who had a reverence for God, those who, ‘tremble at His word’! God’s desire to comfort His children can be read in the letters Paul wrote to Corinthian believers. Paul said the Lord is the one “who comforts us in all our troubles”! 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 God is still sympathetic when His children are in trouble, even when we ignore signs and wonders He sends to draw us closer to Him. With heartbreak, horrific happenings, trials, and troubles all over the world, what message do you believe God is sending us today? Could we be missing His messages because we aren’t listening to God and His messengers? Many people are looking for help in all the wrong places and wondering why their lives are torn and troubled? Having little talks with Jesus and telling Him about our troubles brings comfort from chaos and confusion. Satan seeks to destroy our happiness and ruin close relationships with the Lord and loved ones. We, the people God loves and longs to comfort, can be cast into pits of never ending pity and problems by Satan’s wiles! When we believe and ask Jesus into our hearts, make His Holy Spirit right at home, and honor God as our first love…He will comfort and care for us until our work here is through. Then, comfort and peace will be with us for eternity where we will be with Thee. This message is most comforting for ‘such a time as this’! One day all suffering will end. Our tears will dry up, and we will be safe in God’s arms forever. Until then, we can depend on God’s love to support us when we suffer knowing He promises to bind our wounds and heal our broken hearts. What comfort knowing our heavenly Father is a promise keeper who keeps covenants and cares for all His children…red and yellow, black and white - we are all precious in His sight! When we walk and talk with Him and tell Him we are His own…He will give comfort from our troubles all day and night long!