The KINDNESS Challenge
/By God’s Grace and effort on our part, KINDNESS can penetrate and spread across the planet He put in place! The Home He created for us where hatred and horrific happenings are commonplace, passionate/purposeful living for Christ is complacent, and desire for God as our first love is waning! For such a time as this…” we, at Tim’s Gift, believe the home where we love to live (Clinton/Sampson) can benefit if we embrace KINDNESS boldly by (praying, fasting, being doers of God’s Word and living by Jesus’ example) making our little corner of the world a place where God’s blessings flow and goodness grows!
Will you commit to the KINDNESS CHALLENGE with us for the next six weeks and see what God can do in our community - from today - Nov. 15th until Dec. 27th - two days after celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ who embodied kindness? Share this message in your homes, churches, workplace, everywhere you go! I encourage you to embrace KINDNESS and watch it spread like kudzo! In the season of giving, let’s celebrate how sharing gifts of KINDNESS can bring the true spirit of Christmas to our city and county in ways beyond belief!
We need GOD back in our lives, being filled with the Spirit…not the world! Have we drifted from God with dangerous living habits (being mean, grumpy, selfish, unforgiving, hateful) filling our hearts while stealing our JOY and PEACE? We must remove the things of the flesh to pour out the things of the Spirit! God promises to hear our cries when we humble ourselves and call out to Him! This challenge could be the spark that gets a national fire going fueled by values our founding fathers embraced with passion… “…the republic for which it stands one nation under God…”! Let us come together as brothers and sisters committed to Christian living: getting God’s attention by spreading kindness throughout our community and being showered with gifts of the Spirit that showcase the beauty and blessings of Christian living and loving out loud for all the world to see how great is our GOD!
A professor at the University of California, assigned his students to do five random acts of kindness per week for six weeks. At the end of the study, students’ levels of happiness increased by forty two percent! So, the proof is in the pudding so to speak, actually in His Word…(Ephesians 4:31 “…be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving just as God forgave you in Christ”; Colossians 3:12 ‘…put on a heart of compassion and kindness…’ and several other scriptures share the same message…BE YE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER! So, dear friends, are you ready to take the KINDNESS CHALLENGE and do five acts of kindness per week for the next six weeks? Wow! What a difference we can make in the place we call home if every person commits to Christ like living by putting love in our hearts and purposefully spreading KINDNESS from one end of Sampson (largest NC county) to the other!
The KINDNESS CHALLENGE begins now! Get started today! Someone just knocked at Tim’s Gift door with me trying to finish BY GOD’S GRACE by deadline! Interruptions can bring out the beast in us when our plates are packed and time is short! Peeking outside my window, I considered pretending I didn’t hear the pounding on the locked door since we are closed on Fridays. Then, I reread the last paragraph about purposefully spreading kindness and opened the door with a smile instead of the frown I told to get behind me! I did my first act of KINDNESS for this holiday challenge by embracing the interruption with kindness and anticipation of blessing and being blessed as Jesus taught. Oh, the joy of that interruption and warm hug from a friend that fueled my heart to extend this challenge for all of us to do at least five acts of kindness for six weeks! Then, kindness can become contagious, blowing divine winds and spreading the Fruit of the Spirit from sea to shining sea…and beyond!
In the most wonderful time of the year when our city and county come alive with the spirit of Christmas, let us take kindness to a higher level. It is easy to be kind to someone who likes us, but how about to people who hate, slander, or treat us unkindly? Jesus was kind to people who did these things to Him and asked His Father to forgive them! When we show undeserved kindness to others we are imitating our Savior! Loving our enemies can set us apart from the ways of the world and strengthen closer relationships with the Lord and loved ones. What a wonderful gift to give this Christmas : KINDNESS!
Commit to the KINDNESS CHALLENGE ( doing five acts of kindness each week from now until December 27th) and see what Christ can do to bless others and you!
By God’s Grace…we can give generously, love devotedly, and make kindness a way of living in our neck of the woods while teaching the world to sing in kind, perfect harmony…how great is our God!
Let’s Just Do It…Give gifts of Kindness this Christmas!