Kristin Chooses Tim's Gift
/Kristin Burnett from Missouri is pictured above with Becky. Kristin found Tim's Gift online while searching for nonprofits to donate to after surviving a heart transplant and setting her sights on a goal to help others through non profits in all 50 states. In her search for North Carolina non profits that help people, Tim's Gift popped up. She took that as a divine sign and contacted Tim's Gift, Clinton, N.C.
She called and asked for more information on what we needed. Two weeks later, a UPS truck pulled up in our parking lot with a large package of medical supplies and ten cards to send to people in need of encouragement through our Card Ministry.
In March, Kristin flew to Raleigh and a friend drove her to Tim's Gift. She brought hundreds of Jesus dollars from herself and people all over the United States. We had a wonderful visit and will share more abut what Kristin will be doing to help Tim's Gift in upcoming emails.