Do you believe God holds us fast?

Do you believe God holds us fast? This message stirred while reading a book (Christmas gift from my sister and best friend) filled with the power and promise of 30 beloved hymns.The author of ‘How Sweet the Sound’ shared a personal message that told me her book would be a blessing.“...To sweet Jesus who saved a wretch like me. I have no songs to sing without you, and there’s no place I’d rather be than in the middle of your amazing grace. To my husband who shows me daily what Christ’s love looks, I will be madly in love with your amazing self until all the songs have been sung.”

Oh, that each of us embrace New Year Resolutions to live out loud in love with respect and appreciation for God’s amazing grace and the good life He has given to share with loved ones. Holding fast to God in all seasons ensures a close relationship with our Maker and the many people near and dear to our hearts.

This hymn written in 1906 gives assurance GOD will hold us fast, even in a season of upheaval across our land. As we bid farewell to decorations and delights of the holidays with New Year hurdles and happenings already consuming, let us rest in God while knowing He truly does hold us fast. Lyrics in this old song sooth my heart as the first month on our calendars stirs fears and frustration…”for such a time as this”!

Overwhelmed and weary of Satan’s ploys, our hearts must stay connected to Christ, for He is our peace - even when Pandemic, politics, and problems rear their ugly heads. God is in control no matter how challenging or confusing life seems. Our prayers must focus on faith filled living with Jesus in charge. He will hold us fast and calm our fears.

May the message in this ancient hymn give us all peace and promise while plowing through 2021 with His precious presence. It is our choice to crash and burn to the devil’s delight or hold firm to reins of faith, hope, and happiness per God’s divine direct line - 24-7! Let us HOLD FAST to God as our anchor, even as hurtful, hateful, horrible things pound with the force of straight line winds that take away things we love and a flash!

‘When I fear my faith will fail, CHrist will hold me fast;

When the tempter would prevail, He can hold me fast.

I could never keep my hold, He will hold me fast.

For my love is often cold, He must hold me fast.

I am precious in HIs sight, He will hold me fast;

Those He saves are His delight, He will hold me fast.”

Hopefully, this story will encourage each of us to hold to Him as He promises to bind our wounds, heal our hearts, never leave or forsake us, and stick by us like gorilla glue. Being held fast by God, with faith, hope, and love in our hearts, is the right place for me and you.

We don’t need to fret - even when we don’t know what to do or what’s next in our seemingly - out of control world. God’s got it all under control and will hold us fast.

Psalm 139:9-10 seems the perfect ending for His precious promise of holding us fast.

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will HOLD ME FAST”

Let us serve the Lord...keeping Him first in our lives - not last!