By God's Grace

By God’s Grace, we begin a new season with longer days, warmer weather, gardens growing,  flowers blooming , fields flourishing, farmers scurrying, families vacationing, children celebrating school’s out - teachers wore their virtual wits out, lazy, hazy days,  teachers resting or teaching summer school, churches seeking sheep to fill the pews,  elected leaders lamenting ‘what are we to do?’  in our homeland - nation under God- blessed beyond measure... yet, sin infested ways of leading and living destroying our treasure, seeing fulfillment of God’s Word, witnessing miracles among us, naysayers and media won’t share (but  Good News Newspapers do  with no fuss,  silent Christians sitting on the fence, citizens wondering where morals and patriotism went, Satan running rampant across the land we love, God sending signs and wonders from above...  praying, fasting, trusting, obeying people with Jesus in their hearts, seeking God for  revival in our land that can start from a spark,.. growing numbers taking  a stand for God’s way in our land, knowing we will self destruct without HIS helping HAND, His Hand that wrote on the wall - refusing to obey, love, and fear their Creator and Holy God would make nations fall, a season when vacations will take us near and far, will God be invited to go with us and live within our hearts, if we keep Him first and give our Best to THEE...Summertime 2021 can be a season when we turn our eyes upon Jesus with repentant, humbled hearts and see miracles among us as revivals HE will start...America needs a cleansing from within -  from sea to shining sea  -  God  is seeking - scanning - searching  the USA for faithful soldiers of the cross to stand up for THEE...what will our answer be?  Now is the time for all His children in our land to be a spark that gets fires of revival, renewal, rededicating our lives, and RISING UP to honor HE - the TRINITY.  By God’s grace it can happen...can God count on you and me?

By God's grace, I write what is wrong, grammatically, from beginning to end; yet, the message is timely and can turn our eyes upon HIM!

The above writing is all wrong when graded for punctuation and what we deem right for us to read; yet, the message is one, long sentence that can get God’s attention if we our hearts are pleasing in His sight and bring healing to our land when we love Him first, love our neighbors as ourselves, live by His Word (eat It) and finally understand… HE LOVES ALL HIS CHILDREN, desires a close relationship with us, longs to be loved and reverently feared,  despises sinful, deceptive living, delights in humble worship and giving… so, what is our answer to HIM?... as He waits and watches for us to change our ways and revival to begin -  while divine signs shout ...“we’re closer to the end - we’re closer to the end... BY GOD'S GRACE... let us be prepared with eyes focused on HIM, for when His Word is fulfilled and it all ends...GOD WINS!