Walking with Jesus in 2022

What Godly Words can help us bear good fruit and get through -2022?  Reading a book during the holidays  titled, “Me and My Big Mouth” stirred this story that can jump - start the new year with a bang and initiate an attitude - action change.

The change that needs to take place in us does not come by our efforts or good works; it comes from knowing God personally and intimately. When we walk and talk with Him, changes from within will begin. The desire to live by His greatest commandments: 1) Loving God first with all our heart, soul, and mind and 2) Loving our neighbors as ourselves will be alive in our actions and attitudes - not stuck on dormant shelves!  When we make up our minds to LOVE as God commanded and as  Jesus taught by example -  good fruit will grow as bad attitudes and habits will go. 

 When we stay in the presence of God - trusting and obeying in 2021...glory, honor, and good stuff will have only just begun. Yet, if we leave the Lord out of the picture,  problems will prevail every which way we turn.  Change comes when we stay in God’s presence and wait on Him to do in (and for us) what we can’t do ourselves. God longs for us to be who He made us to be while walking and talking daily with Thee!  May this New Year’s message bring encouragement because of what WE Can Be - if we are willing to submit to the Spirit who will guide the way for you and me.


A quote from “Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ” seems fitting to close this story and open our hearts to dwell with Him. “And there in your spirit God dwells. Oh, when you have learned how to dwell there with Him. His divine presence dissolves the hardness of your soul. And as that hardness of your soul melts, precious fragrances pour forth from your soul.’

May you and your families have a Happy New Year celebration as we welcome the year of the Lord - 2022! Let our hearts not be troubled and hardened as evil and hatred for God and goodness grow rampant across our land.  We must stand up as soldiers of the cross, seek changes pleasing to Christ, eat God’s Word,  and walk by faith - holding Jesus’ Hand!