Humility and Honor for Thee and We

Do you believe you are becoming more and more like Jesus ‘for such a time as this’ when our world seems to crowd Him out and cast stones at those who look to God for strength, His Word for truth, Jesus for hope, and the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Living in these troubled times - we’ve read about in the Bible all our lives - is proof in the pudding (mess we’ve made in America) that we should stand up for Jesus more than ever. While our nation sinks from within, our hearts can rise with love, joy, peace, self-control, hope, patience, kindness/goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, even humility. These characteristics of Christ are becoming to our heavenly Father and help us on our way to becoming who HE called us to be! So, why do we question His Word, sit fearfully on the fence of political correctness, and find it hard to simply BELIEVE with our whole hearts the powerful truths taught in the Scriptures?

Early Christians believed with all their hearts and it changed them from the inside out. Their loving and courageous actions toward family, neighbors, even strangers (barn raisings and honor to God in all their doings and dealings) showed God’s love flowing from within as America - one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all - was becoming a land with God at the helm! They cheered for, stood up for, and thanked God for freedoms that we have taken for granted and failed to cherish. They applauded freedom of religion, speech, the press, people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances, right to bear arms, right to be secure in homes against unreasonable searches and seizures, to a trial by jury, no excessive bail or unusual punishments, certain rights are not to be construed to deny others retained by the people, and powers not delegated to the United States by the COnstitution, nor prohibited by it to the States or to the people. Yes, early Christians stood up for core truths, love and respect for God, country, and family, becoming what He called them to be, and honoring Him while watching America become a great nation. What are we becoming as we watch America the Beautiful’s beacon of freedom, strength, and glory to God shine ever so dimly from sea to shining sea? Burning from within are reasons we should look within , stay connected to the Vine with honor and humility, and become our best for Thee!

Pride is not pleasing in God’s sight. Surely, He sighs to see prideful living saturate His creation. ‘Pride cometh before a fall’ has been proven throughout the history of planet Earth’s existence. The way we live and love should reflect the opposite of pride...HUMILITY!

Humility was modeled by Jesus as He taught lessons centered on humble living with fruit of the spirit flowing. Humility means we choose to esteem other people. When we live humbly like Jesus, harmony and unity grow - like Jack’s beanstalk ! There is power when God is first, Jesus’ ways are seen in our lives, we walk and talk with Him (the Holy Spirit) along our way, and we look to the Lord to help us become our best every day!

When we, the people of the United States of America, turn our eyes upon Jesus, repent, call our His Name, live humbly and happily with gratitude to God, become what He has called us to be, and let our lights shine brightly day and night!... humility,harmony and happiness will grow in America like Jack’s beanstalk that shot up heavenward and went out of sight!

Hopefully, this story will help all who read and share it to strive for humility and honor for God, country, and family to grow greater and grander as we become who and what He has called us to be! The choice is ours; what is our answer to Thee?