Have you experienced pushing through fear and finding the favor of God? Mary, the mother of Jesus, did! Can you imagine the fear festering inside young Mary’s heart and questions weighing out in her mind while wondering, ‘how will this be’? Her first instinct was…’HOW’ - not the ‘how’ one might expect from a young girl whose world was turned upside down when people doubted … and ‘for such a time as that’ she did not!

Mary’s divine experience and inner stirrings trumped the devil’s lies and people’s cries of adultery and awful slander. She could not see how God would work out things for good but trusted Him in a situation when she could have been stoned! Instead, Mary and the man she was engaged to marry heard from God, heeded His word and warnings, and helped bring hope to the world by giving birth to and raising God’s Son. Mary and Joseph sought God’s guidance with grateful hearts. They were thankful for His gift to them: being chosen to be Jesus’ earthly parents…and His gift to the world: a Savoir sent as a sacrifice for our sins and Best Friend to all who embrace a personal relationship with Him.

From the beginning as an engaged couple when an unbelievable encounter rocked their wedding plans, Mary and Joseph did not dwell on ‘how will this be’ but on ‘how can you use us God’! They were willing to trust and obey per divine directions! They stood firm in faith without proof of what their tomorrows would hold!

What are we dwelling on when fear grips, ‘waiting on the Lord with good courage for ‘good to come from bad’ grinds our faith, and ‘happy everything’ seems impossible? Can we look beyond burdens and find blessings by submitting ourselves to the One who created and cares for us? Do we honor what He does in our lives, seek Him as did the Wise Men, salute Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who promises to care for us as He does the sparrows? Do we go forth in faith per Mary and Joseph’s example or cower in fear with doubt and despair overshadowing peace and procedure plans God divinely downloads in His perfect timing? If He gave us proof…we would not need faith!

The greatest gifts God ever gives His children are on the other side of ‘how, fear, and doubt’! Are we enjoying His gifts while engaging opportunities He sends our way with a humble, happy, honorable, ‘how can you use me God’ attitude?

Isaiah 9 sheds light on gloomy times giving fertile ground to glorify God. “Nevertheless, there will be no gloom”! When we give it to God, give it time, and give time to pray and plan per divine direction, we can rest assured …God Is Up To Something!

A popular song during my high school years alluded to this Biblical principle. Memories of driving my little green Mustang with windows down and radio blasting takes me back to Clement High days with a sweetheart named Timothy and a Savior named Jesus coloring my world with love. In those days, I knew all the words to the song but not all the plans God had in store for the good life He was putting pieces together for me to be Tim’s wife and mother of his children. We faced trials together with faith bigger than fears of ‘how’ can it be! God works on the big picture of our lives through hard knocks and tough times. Love with God as the head brings us together, never apart! In His perfect timing Tim and I pledged our love to one another and to our Lord. Seeing how He perfectly put our love story together and used us to serve Him in ways we never imagined are gifts that keep giving…even when one remains here and the other is gone Home!

The only lyrics I recall from my favorite high school song are, …‘something tells me I’m in for something good’! ‘For such a time as this’ when Jesus could return or our time on earth end any day, let us live closely connected to Christ like we should. Then, we can sing with assurance, ‘something (God’s Word and His spirit living our hearts) tells me I’m in for something good - Heaven!