Working for and Resting in Jesus

What memories of Labor Day pop in your mind as we take time away from work to rest and enjoy end of summer recreation time with our families and friends?  Labor Day gives reason for all Americans to look forward to the first Monday in September.  I sure do!

President Grover Cleveland signed into law that Labor Day would be a  national holiday in 1894. At the first official Labor Day parade in Chicago, Chairman McGann shared powerful words with all the people celebrating this new holiday. “ Let us each Labor Day, hold a congress and formulate propositions for the amelioration of the people.  Send them to your Representatives with your earnest, intelligent indorsement, and the laws will be changed.” 

 His words encouraged  members of Congress to particiapte in Labor Day  parades.  Many Congressmen were excited to reach out to the people who voted for and believed in their Christian leadership to help make America one nation under God  (where people would work and worship together to make America the Beautiful a blessing for all to behold) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

Billy Graham’s words about labor remind us that working (being productive with our time and talents) is needed in order to survive and enjoy the good life we have all grown accustomed to! “We Americans have Labor Day - a day in which the wheels of industry stop and the entire nation is reminded of the tremendous contribution that labor has made to the American way of life.” Labor Day gives rest for those who work. Does our work give satisfaction to us and to the Lord? 

Jesus had a whole lot to say about labor too.  He knew that a laboring person needs rest and recreation, because He was a working man.  Jesus watched his earthly father work and became a carpenter Himself! Can you imagine being in Joseph’s  workshop where Jesus learned to use a hammer and saw?  We, sometimes, forget Jesus was human as well as divine. He grew up working and seeking the ways of His heavenly Father in all He did. If Jesus cut His fingers working, his blood ran red and warm like yours and mine.  He had dirty fingernails and calloused hands like you and I when we work He did.  Jesus knew what it meant to work long hours, to come in at night tired and weary, to stay the course for His calling...even when Satan tempted Him at every turn. Jesus taught us lessons of working hard and resting in Him. What joy He gives  when we enjoy our work and love Him first!

 Lyrics from two songs seem fitting to end this story with a message for all His children (red, yellow, black, white - all precious in His sight) to ponder. Will we live our lives out loud in love working and resting in Him, or will we spend our days being  ‘lazy bones sleeping in the sun’...’till Jesus comes and eternity begins?  

Labor Day provides time to enjoy being  with family and friends. May we all thank the Lord and commit to being our best for Him, give God our first time, walk and  talk with Jesus, listen to the Holy Spirit within...and let the celebrations begin! Amen.